
finodex launch FIWARE Call focused on Environment, Health, Transport and Finance  - Deadline 19 December 2014

07 October 2014

Finodex has a broad thematic base focusing on supporting SMEs, individuals and teams of up to four members interested in developing FIWARE applications for the Environment, Health, Transport and Finance sectors by providing grant funding and support leveraging the Lean StartUp approach. Finodex provides five services: grant funding; support; tailored training on business planning and technical requirements; connecting participants with other FIWARE initiatives and stakeholders and access to investment. 

The finodex call opened on 07 October and closes on 19 December. Click here to access the online application form.

Each open call is divided into four phases:

  • Phase 1 - Proposal Submission - complete online forms and provide 10 page proposal addressing FIWARE Usage, Technical Excellence, Impact and Experience. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of Technical Excellence, FIWARE Usage, Impact and Implementation Capacity by external experts. A maximum of 50 projects will be selected for negotation based on scores.
  • Phase 2 - Design - Based on submitting a deliverable with a technical design and business proposal, submission will be evaluated and those reaching the minimum score in each criteria and overall will receive a grant of €10,000. Thirty of the best projects will be invited to join Phase 3.
  • Phase 3 - Development - Deliverables include: Online working demo, user feedback report, video showing working demo. This phase will be evaluated based on Technical and Market criteria. Those projects reaching all thresholdes will receive a grant of €40,000. Ten of the best projects will be invited to join Phase 4. 
  • Phase 4 - Tuning - Deliverables include: Online working version for review, document summarising project execution and future of product, video showing working demo. Projects reaching the threshold will receive €50,000.
  • Projects that complete Phase 4 will compete for three prizes: 1st prize €70,000, second prize €35,000 and third prize €15,000. 

Across the entire programme (2 years), finodex has a budget of €4.6 million to be allocated in grants via two open calls to SMEs, individuals and teams of up to four members. Each call will apply a funnel approach as part of the continuous evaluation of selected projects. 

Please review the following documents for more details:

Call Text

Applicants Guidelines 

Contract Template 

Proposal Template